The fifth International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT), held this year in İzmir, Turkey, was dedicated to Yıldız Bayazıtoğlu, the Harry S. Cameron Chair in Mechanical Engineering and professor of materials science and nanoengineering at Rice.

Sponsored by the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer, the symposium was held June 5-10, and was co-dedicated to Prof. Renato Cotta of the University Federal of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
A native of Turkey, Bayazıtoğlu earned her master’s and doctoral degrees at the University of Michigan in 1969 and 1974, respectively. She joined the Rice faculty in 1977.
Her honors include the Society of Women Engineers’ Distinguished Educator Award and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Heat Transfer Memorial Award. From Rice she has received the Brown Superior Teaching Award, Outstanding College Associate Award, Hershel M. Rich Outstanding Invention Award, Graduate Student Association Teaching/Mentoring Award, Chance Teaching Prize, Faculty Impact Award and the Presidential Mentoring Award.
Her research interests include radiation and convective heat transfer, phase-change heat transfer, thermophysical property determination and solar-collector design and analysis. Her past work focused on container-less processing of materials, the electromagnetic radiation equation, molecular dynamics studies for nano-heat transfer, micro-channel fluid and heat transfer, bio-heat transfer and particle radiation exposure at high altitudes.
Bayazıtoğlu is a fellow of ASME and the American Association of Advancement of Science, and an associate fellow of the American Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics. She served as chair of the ASME Heat Transfer Division and served in the executive committee of ICHMT. In 2012 she was elected an honorary member of ASME and received SWE's Achievement Award.
She was a recipient of the 2013 ASME Heat Transfer Division 75th Anniversary Medal. She also received the University of Michigan Engineering Alumni Merit Award and in 2014 was elected a lifetime honorary member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences.